Job Search Tools

First Impressions Are Important

While recruiters might love to talk to everyone who submits an application for a position, they know they have to narrow it down to only a few. Below are the toolkits for each application piece recruiter look at before extending a job offer: Resume, Cover Letter, and Interview Skills. Make sure to check out each toolkit to ensure your job search materials are in excellent condition before applying!

Resume Toolkit

Use this Resume Checklist to guide you to your perfect resume!

Don't know where to start? Try using this Resume Prep Worksheet to collect all the information you need before formatting.

You've done great things! Try using this Accomplishment Jogger to remember all of your  successes.


Find the right words to make you stand out as a candidate by using this list of power words!


For those who are looking to format or reformat a resume, try looking at these format examples.

More Resume Tips and Tricks

Tailor Your Resume

Make sure when writing a resume for a company to use EXACT words or phrases from the job description. Some online applications will "read" through a resume before it reaches a person, and if the computer cannot find tagged key terms it may decide you aren't the best fit for the role even when you are. To ensure you are using key terms the computer understands, read the language in the job description and substitute those words into your resume where you can.

Be Concise and Relevant

When your resume does go to a recruiter, they do not have a lot of time to look at it before deciding to call you in for an interview. To give them the best view of your resume remember to list relevant experience for this position, be specific with what you did and how many people you were able to help, and include achievements that seem relevant to the position you are applying for.

Keep Format Consistent

Another way to make your resume easier for both the computer and the recruiter to read is to ensure your formatting is consistent. Consistency helps both the program and a person know where to look for key pieces of information, such as the amount of time you spent in a role, key responsibilities, and skills. Check examples of resumes above to see formatting examples.

Cover Letter Toolkit

Review the pieces of a good cover letter here!


Review this cover letter template to inspire your own layout!

More Cover Letter Tips and Tricks

Research the Company

Researching a company can help you learn more about their values and the position, both valuable things to know when writing your cover letter. It can also help you stand out as a candidate that cares about the company's interests!

Elaborate on Relevant Skills

A cover letter gives you the space to expand on your relevant skills and explain why they make you a great fit for this position. Pick one or two skills you have and be specific about how they would benefit the position you are applying to.

Highlight Accomplishments

If you have worked a position similar to the one you are applying for, ensure you highlight any awards or accomplishments from the previous position. This further highlights how you are a remarkable fit for the position.

Interview Success Toolkit

Review tips and tricks to succeed in your interview!


Nervous about a virtual interview? Review these tips!


Review these top 10 asked questions before your interview!


Use the STAR Method to tackle situational questions easily!


Don't know what to ask your interviewer? Try some of these questions!


Interview over? Stand out by sending a thank you note!

More Interviewing Tips and Tricks

Don't Be Afraid to Ask Your Interviewer to Repeat the Question

Interviewers understand that hearing and understanding the question is important. Make sure if you did not hear all parts of the question, you ask them to repeat or clarify it.

Answer All Parts of the Question

Some questions may have multiple parts to them. Make sure you answer every part of the question that is asked. This is very common with situational questions, so be sure to review the STAR Method above!

Know When You Might Hear Back

If your interviewer does not let you know a timeframe in which they will be making their decision, ask. Knowing the time frame of their decision helps you know the best time to follow up with them if you do not hear anything.