CareerCatchers provides one-on-one sustained guidance for low income area residents who are seeking careers with upward mobility. We work to promote career stability and self-sufficiency for every client through individualized counseling, training, and support. We help our clients gain access to employment opportunities through teaching effective job search techniques, including networking and the use of on and off-line resources, drawing upon community partnerships. In addition, we provide support to the newly employed to ensure retention and advancement. All clients are encouraged to seek career opportunities that lead to fulfilling long-term goals and reaching their potential rather than accepting dead-end, entry-level positions.
CareerCatchers Referral Guide
Information needed to make a referral:
- Referral Name
- Phone Number
- Email Address
- Street Address
- Brief statement about career goals
- Whether or not they fall under one of the existing contracts below
- Information on monthly household income and family size
- Any other information that you feel is relevant
- A resume is nice, but not required
Please email this information to the appropriate point of contact below and copy
Referrals fall under one of four categories: City of Gaithersburg, City of Rockville, Family Justice Center (DV), and No Contract.
Services under existing contracts:
Individuals who live in The City of Gaithersburg can be served under our existing contract. They need to verify their address using the following link.
Address checker for The City of Gaithersburg:
Point of contact for City of Gaithersburg residents: Chris Stephens;
Individuals who live in The City of Rockville can be served under our existing contract. They need to verify their address using the following link. In order to receive services, they will need to contact City of Rockville Community Services and obtain a referral. Individuals served under this contract are limited to 9 hours of individualized services (with the option to request more if needed).
Address checker for The City of Rockville:
Point of contact for City of Rockville residents: Chris Stephens,
Any referral that self-identifies as an individual with a domestic violence background (and lives in Montgomery County) can be served under our contract with the Family Justice Center.
Point of contact for referral with a domestic violence background: K. Kunda;
Services not under an existing contract:
Individuals who do not fall under one the existing contracts can still receive services, but will be charged a co-pay after each session. Point of contact for individuals under no contract: Chris Stephens;
CareerCatchers uses the county guidelines below, based on income and family size, to determine the appropriate amount for the co-pay. Co-pays can be submitted either directly before or directly after a session. For more information and to submit a co-pay use the following link.
Client Copayment: